When Is The Right Time To Schedule AC Service In Schaumburg IL?

If you have functional air conditioning in your home, you definitely don’t want to wait for it to break down before calling a competent HVAC technicians in. All cooling systems require annual servicing. These visits give professionals the chance to inspect and tune cooling equipment up before the hot season arrives. For most homes, this should be performed just once in mid to late spring. However, at Aria Climate, we want to shed some more light on the best times to schedule AC service in Schaumburg IL.

Whenever there is someone living in the home who struggles with a respiratory ailment, AC service may need to be scheduled more than just once each year. Although you can improve your indoor air quality (IAQ) by changing out your HVAC air filter and cleaning off all registers and grilles, you still need to have all sensitive interior components cleaned. Having a technician remove dirt and other debris from your system’s internal components will further limit the amount of particulates that you have in the indoor air. It’s also a good idea to have your HVAC air ducts cleaned in this instance. This should be done about once every three to five years.

Households with integrated AC accessories may need to schedule more frequent air conditioner inspections as well. These are accessories like air scrubbers and air purifiers that are installed directly within the system’s ducting. Frequent servicing will ensure that these secondary units are not causing air pressure issues and that everything is working seamlessly together.

If you have already had your air conditioner serviced before the start of summer, you should probably contact an AC repair contractor if your home energy bill has skyrocketed or if your AC system is making strange sounds or producing suspicious odors. Having hot and cold spots in the home is another common sign of AC problems.

Like most air conditioners, your cooling unit is likely rated to last between 15 and 20 years. Once an air conditioner is 10 years old, it will have lost approximately half of its overall efficiency. Worse still, these are losses that will continue on at a progressive rate until your AC system reaches the end of its lifespan and fails. Paying for AC installation ahead of system failure will ensure that no one in your household is without the benefit of reliable cooling when it’s needed the most.

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